Monday 7 October 2019

Leaky Politics

The most famous British ex-pat in Spain currently, unfortunately known to more of us residents here than anyone else, is someone called Leapy Lee (or 'Leaky Lee' as my spell-check prefers): a retired pop singer and apologist for a somewhat extreme form of Brexit.
His one-note performance is found every week in a local English-language free-sheet which presumably subscribes to his views (despite a wishy-washy editorial denial of this), since it clearly wouldn't bother to print a jagged view of British life week in week out if it didn't.
A recent column of his called 'They are Traitors' serves as an example. Here we learn of 'Remainers' who '... wouldn’t know democracy if it jumped up and slapped them in the face. In my opinion they are not patriots, they are traitors, who have done, and are continuing to inflict, possibly irreparable damage to the United Kingdom. Ninety-nine per cent of these ovine street demonstrators were remainers, disgruntled left wing losers, whose self-serving leaders will use any excuse to promote their own hard left ideals and must actually take responsibility for Johnston’s decision to suspend parliament...' (EWN Sept 5 2019). 
As many of us know (48% at least), Brexit will affect those of us who live in the EU-27 - either mildly (we shall lose our vote in local affairs and perhaps also health coverage) or maybe strongly: ninety-day visas, bank inspections and perhaps even deportation, depending of course on the actions of those people in Westminster who share Leapy's views.
It's therefore rather irresponsible of The Euro Weekly News in my view to set this fellow on 'repeat'.    

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